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How to streamline your routine with a simple block planner. see more

planner de blocos
optimize routine with planner

After all, you're instantly overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on your to-do list. Or, do you have a lot of flexibility in your life/school/work and need to create your own structure?

Perhaps, you feel exhausted at the end of the day, week or month?

That is, if you answered yes to any of the questions above, don't worry... I also answered yes! Then you probably need a block planner, both at home and in business.

Well, the solution is uncomplicated and cheap to use. You just need paper and pen.

How to use a block planner

So what is this block scheduling and how exactly will it help while increasing your productivity.

The planner is simply a way to take your to-do list and organize it by similar tasks. You then group similar tasks into a block to maximize your efficiency and allow you to accomplish more in less time.

Step 1: Focus all tasks in block planner

First, sit down and make a list of all your responsibilities. Also, think broadly, like “paying bills”.

Yes, it's 100% impressive to see written down on paper, but I promise you it makes your perfect schedule the first time a lot easier. If we know everything we have to deal with on a regular basis, we can tackle it head on.

However, this list may take a few days to actually get ready. Unhurried.

Step 2: sort into blocks

You then sort these items into blocks or categories. Your blocks must meet your and your family's needs.


  • Morning Block  – Exercising, bathing, breakfast, making bed, watering/gardening, etc.
  • Productivity Block  – This is the block where we focus on how, projects, family businesses and goals  
  • External Issues  – Appointments, grocery shopping, errands, taking the child to school, etc…
  • Business/Personal Development Block  – Online Classes/ Courses, do research, read business books, listen to business-related podcasts. (all for your personal and professional improvement)
  • Self-Care/Self-Growth Block  – Take a nap, read a book for fun, make a face mask, paint your nails, take a class to learn a new skill, spend time being creative, chat with a friend.
  • Home Management  – Meal planning, bill paying, meal prep, laundry, housekeeping, organization.
  • block for everything   - The name says it all!
  • Connection  – For some, this might just be called family time; this is the time for making art, watching a movie or just reconnecting with family.
  • bedtime block  – bath/showers, get kids ready for bed, read aloud. S routine
  • weekly energy block – “Something that can be done at any time is usually done in no time”. These items are placed in this energy hour to help keep things from getting out of hand. This includes tasks such as calling to schedule or reschedule appointments, etc.

Finally, add as specific needs arise.

Step 3: Take a Block Inventory

Less is more when looking at the number of blocks. Personally I think 12 blocks is the most you should do, probably 10 would be ideal.

Therefore, the ideal time per block is 90 to 180 minutes. This allows you enough time to get into a good flow and tackle multiple smaller tasks or one larger task, while being short enough to avoid boredom, distraction, or overwhelm.

Then highlight any activities or items that have a set day/time.

Although you can have different blocks for different days.

However, it is extremely useful to have those blocks that alternate days running the same blocks of time.

Step 4: Organize your blocks

Whenever possible, place blocks that place a high demand on your intellectual capacity, as well as at the times of the day when you are most productive. For some it may be from 10 am to 4 pm.

Tips to help

  • Color code your list, using a color for each block
  • Put to-do items inside the assigned block page

So, if you liked this tip, share this link, comment, After all, your opinion is very important to us.

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