do it yourself

Make your wrappings in furoshiki, get to know the technique, and give it as a gift. Learn

embrulhos em furoshiki
wrapping using the furoshiki technique

It's a more sustainable, and beautiful way to wrap. Plus, you'll find it's a great way to cut down on disposable paper waste. The Japanese furoshiki wrapping.

How to make sustainable wrapping, Furoshiki style. Come learn

You should definitely bet on furoshiki wrapping for gifts in reusable fabric – it has been practiced in Japan since the Edo period. 

So the ethos is to use what you have and respect the finish and utility of the fabric.

1. Take a large square cloth for furoshiki wrapping

To wrap a gift furoshiki style, choose a cloth that is about three times the diagonal length of the gift. This ratio doesn't have to be exact, just provide enough fabric to cover the entire gift without slipping out the sides.

2. Place your cloth on a flat surface and place the gift in the middle

First, you can use any cloth that is not too thin, not too thick, and soft enough to tie a knot.

Then place the gift in the center, with the point of the square facing you. Try thinking of the long ends as handles that will be tied around the top of the gift. It's a bit like origami for beginners.

Then, take the end in front of you, place it over the gift, and tuck the extra sides of the end of the cloth underneath the gift. Similarly, do the same with the opposite side. It's okay if the extra fabric in the corner hangs loose. However, the most important part is learning how to tie a square knot.

3. Narrow the sides that will be tied

If you've ever made a paper airplane, the principle is the same. Bring the edges of each side towards the center to make them look more like little handles.

Ideally, the ends on each side should meet in the middle, in a line pointing toward the corners on each side. The fabric will move; don't worry if these shapes aren't exactly straight because you are about to tie them together.

4. Bring these side handles together and tie them in a square knot at the top

Lastly, take the handles on the left and right side, bring them together at the top of the gift and tie them in a double knot, also known as a square knot. O "ma-musubi“, or square knot.

In fact, it is the exact same knot that is taught to scouts and in macramé that is, a square knot – two loops crossing each other.

Tip: The trick is to use the same side to tie both knots. The loose ends should end up pointing in the direction they came from. 

Finally, the extra spikes can fall on the sides. As a result, small package wrapped in a beautiful fabric. Also, the process is much easier than estimating the size of the wrapping paper, cutting it straight, and trying to get more tape on the gift than on your fingers. 

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